Adventurer’s suggest that we must reach back at least three generations, so I have brought my family to help look for the clues.  Along the journey we will uncover mystical hidden gems just for you.

Jennifer Stevenson
CEO / Founder

You must have a vision before you can manifest.

Miracle Stevenson
Rock Hunter

How does one become a butterfly?You have to want to learn to fly so much that you are willing to give up being a caterpillar.

Cynthia Mitchell

Self control is all within your strength.Right thought is mastery.
The power of the mind is calmness.

Live for the hunt, hunt to live

What makes a stone a gem?
There are a few things to focus on when finding the value of your gemstones:

Durability One of its most important characteristics is its ability to endure. There is more to durability than just hardness. …
Rarity Wearing a gemstone which very few other people own is exciting. …
Acceptability Fashion trends and developments also play an important role in determining the value of different gemstones. …

Your hunting can get better on every turn, on every wave you catch. Learn to read the waves better. A big part of my success has been wave knowledge.


Don’t forget your necessities

Pack that backpack with sunblock, snacks, a beach towel,  bottled water, a separate bag for special finds.  Remember to bring that special florescent flashlight for after that beautiful sunset to find those glowing wonderful stones.

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